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Songs & Lyrics


Do it

somebody told me you must always do
hat the others wanna
what you wanna what she wanna
what he wanna what they wanna
just not what i wanna
but now i know it's inncorect
you know it too man
were gonna do something right now
with it watch on
i'm back again on a dancefloor
you come down with me
that's what i wanna
black man yelow man
red man white man
so i sad everyone
come to tha dansa come to tha party
i know ya wanna
do watcha, watcha wanna do
just do it

i'we got the freedom now
so let me dance it
i'we got the freedom now
watch me'

everyone you must fight
for your rights
come black come yellow
come red and white
together were gonna make it
on a dancefloor were
dancin all night

only tha music keep ma body
in motion
when i dance i feel like
on an ocean
when i feel freedom it will
make up my mind
whem i look up i wanna see
stars right shine
come in it

do it do it
whatcha wanna do it
do it just do it
music's gonna move it
people dance around
turn up the sound

lyrics: e. aresta, j. matyinkó
music: e. aresta, j. matyinkó
rap: e. aresta
lead vocal: b. haščáková
vocals: j. matyinkó, l. matyinkó

Hudba: Audio icon do_it.mp3

Born in a ragga ridim

if i was born in jamajca
i was born in jamajca
if i was born in jamajca
i was born in a ragga ridim
me ragga man make ya aerly mad
this ragga party has no end
nobody's gonna go to bed
when we play

over the head shines the moon
don't go away it's too soon
sing shaka laka laka boom
you and me

now when the sexy girls dance
come man down and take your chance
for tonight we have many plans
that i say

this ragganation rules the world
this generation proclaims our birth
we know were gonna be first
right today

i wanna be born in a ragga ridim
i wanna be born to dance

lyrics: e. aresta
music: e. aresta, j. matyinkó
rap: e. aresta, l. matyinkó
lead vocal: b. haščáková, l. matyinkó
vocals: j. matyinkó, e. aresta, l. matyinkó


I feel good

i feel good deep inside me when you make a ragga
i feel good deep inside me when you make a dance
i feel good deep inside me when you make a ragga
i'm no black i'm no raggamoffin but i try that
i feel good when you make a rabbadab style
i feel good it's good deep inside me
i feel good when you turn around me

do you feel how i get your body to the dance
do you feel how i get your body to dance with

lyrics: e. aresta
music: e. aresta
rap: e. aresta
vocal: b. haščáková


Peace, love , unity

tudap tudap tudapap betier earlier than later
tudap tudap tudapapa im gonna wait for
i'll be waiting for
i give you peace and love and unity yeee
you got peace and love

free your mind im gonna do it too

free your mind and free your soul
stop the hate and stop the war
don't be angry don't be cruel
you are person not a fool
so think about the future man
you must show me that you can
drop the gun and take my heart
it will be a brand new start yeah
this is giving you a something new
stop the shooting's very few
you must learn to take a different views
some day you win some day you lose
but i think one day will come your chance
take my hand and we can dance
these three words make your mind free
peace love unity

lyrics: e. aresta
music: e. aresta
rap: e. aresta
vocals: b. haščáková, l. matyinkó


Love me

love me baby come on
love me all the night
daily love me baby come take my heart
back to the love and back to the base
talk about the life it has many facies
one is the truth and one is the lie
i wanna live before i die

one of the ways as i wanna live
is love to take and love to give
love is the bridge that bring us together
we make love and we live forever

love is as i know the right way
give that special feeling to my soul and body
you are the one who can bring it to me
i wanna be your lover yes i wanna be

everybody say love is the biggest power
yes i wanna think about it every hour
me, ragga man's gonna be by your side
love me love me baby all the night

text: e. aresta, j. matyinkó
hudba: e. aresta, j. matyinkó
rap: e. aresta, l. matyinkó
vocal: b. haščáková

Hudba: Audio icon love_me.mp3

It's a day

my life i know it's a sin
i live like assasin
but now i feel it it's a day and i must go
please believe me show me the way i never say no
this is a day
show me the way
believe me
believe me now

i feel it it is a day
believe me show me the way

lyrics: j. matyinkó
music: j. matyinkó
rap: j. matyinkó
vocal: b. haščáková, l. matyinkó

Hudba: Audio icon its_a_day.mp3


jeden malý anjel sa so mnou hrával
dopadla som zle mala som srdce rozbité
vždy novým šípom dokopy mi ho dával
vravel to nič všetko čo bolí raz pominie
pravdu mal to každý pochopil
až keď odišiel a už sa nevrátil
nechal mi tu teba už nie som sama
a ty nie si sám
naučil ma nebáť sa toho že opäť
to bude len klam
ty vieš že ja ti verím že nás dvoch
už nič nerozdelí

ja ťa ľúbim stále ľúbim viac a viac.

teraz sa už malý anjel len z výšky díva
stráži moje šťastie čo mi raz priniesol
vedel čo chcem vedel o čom snívam
tak splnil môj sen a zrazu si pri mne bol
ja viem že on sa nestratil
aj keď odišiel a už sa nevrátil

nechal mi tu teba lebo vedel
že rada ťa mám
hľadíme na seba a ja sa vznášam až ku hviezdam
budeme tam spolu bývať a môj anjel
sa bude na nás dívať

ako ťa ľúbim stále ľúbim viac a viac

text: e. aresta
hudba: e. aresta
spev: b. haščáková

Hudba: Audio icon anjel.mp3


netreba čeriť tiché vody riek
netreba vravieť o tom čo ťa trápi
nie každý pozná na tú bolesť liek
nie každý vie kde sú tie dvere kam svoj smútok zatvoriť
nie každý pozná na tú bolesť liek
nie každý pozná na tú bolesť liek,
nie každý vie ako smútok zabiť smútok zabiť

sama si musím z hŕby kamienkov
ktoré ma v topánke tak tlačia
vyhľadať biely a lesklý kremeň snov
len on mi po prehre pomôže začať

utriem svoje slzy poviem zbohom ďalšej z lások
čo neprežila nové ráno nové ráno
keď sa už stráca za najbližším rohom
pošlem aj smútok nech sa náhli za ňou nech sa náhli za ňou

a neľutujem že všetku tú krásu
vzápätí schová chladná inoväť
veď v prúde dní
a nenávratne času
za iskrou šťastia nesmiem banovať

text: k. krajčovičová
hudba: b. haščáková
spev: b. haščáková

Hudba: Audio icon netreba.mp3